BulkInsertUtility class

Methods for bulk insert with Dapper.

public static class BulkInsertUtility

Public Members

name description
static BulkInsert<TInsert>(…) Efficiently inserts multiple rows, in batches as necessary.
static BulkInsert<TCommon,TInsert>(…) Efficiently inserts multiple rows, in batches as necessary.
static BulkInsertAsync<TInsert>(…) Efficiently inserts multiple rows, in batches as necessary.
static BulkInsertAsync<TCommon,TInsert>(…) Efficiently inserts multiple rows, in batches as necessary.
static GetBulkInsertCommands<TInsert>(…) Gets the Dapper CommandDefinitions used by BulkInsert and BulkInsertAsync.
static GetBulkInsertCommands<TCommon,TInsert>(…) Gets the Dapper CommandDefinitions used by BulkInsert and BulkInsertAsync.

See Also