OAuthConstants class

OAuth version 1.0 constant strings.

public static class OAuthConstants

Public Members

name description
const AccessTokenRelativeUrl Relative URL for access token.
const Authorization Authorization header key.
const AuthorizeRelativeUrl Relative URL for authorization.
const Callback Callback uri.
const CallbackConfirmed Has the callback been confirmed
const ConsumerKey Consumer key.
const HeaderPrefix Prefix for authorization header.
const Nonce Random string, generated for each request, based on the timestamp value.
const OAuthVersion Version of OAuth these constants correspond to.
const ParameterPrefix Prefix for parameter keys.
const RequestTokenRelativeUrl Relative URL for request token.
const Signature Signature method the Consumer used to sign the request.
const SignatureMethod Signature method the Consumer used to sign the request.
const TimeStamp Timestamp for the request (usually in seconds since Jan 1, 1970).
const Token OAuth token constant.
const TokenSecret OAuth token secret constant.
const Verifier OAuth verifier constant.
const Version OAuth version.

See Also