Create uri to use with an OAuth authentication header created using the HMACSHA1 signature method.
public static Uri CreateHmacSha1Uri(Uri uri, string httpMethod, string consumerToken,
string consumerSecret)
Create uri to use with an OAuth authentication header created using the HMACSHA1 signature method.
public static Uri CreateHmacSha1Uri(Uri uri, string httpMethod, string consumerToken,
string consumerSecret, string callback)
Create uri to use with an OAuth authentication header created using the HMACSHA1 signature method.
public static Uri CreateHmacSha1Uri(Uri uri, string httpMethod, string consumerToken,
string consumerSecret, string accessToken, string accessSecret)
Create uri to use with an OAuth authentication header created using the HMACSHA1 signature method.
public static Uri CreateHmacSha1Uri(Uri uri, string httpMethod, string consumerToken,
string consumerSecret, string temporaryToken, string temporarySecret, string verifier)