DtoInfo<T>.GetProperty method (1 of 3)

Returns the property of the specified name.

public IDtoProperty<T> GetProperty(string name)
parameter description
name The property name.


exception condition
ArgumentException The property does not exist.

See Also

DtoInfo<T>.GetProperty<TValue> method (2 of 3)

Returns the property named by the specified getter.

public DtoProperty<T, TValue> GetProperty<TValue>(Expression<Func<T, TValue>> getter)
parameter description
TValue The value type of the property.
getter A getter for the property, e.g. x => x.TheProperty

See Also

DtoInfo<T>.GetProperty<TValue> method (3 of 3)

Returns the property of the specified name.

public DtoProperty<T, TValue> GetProperty<TValue>(string name)
parameter description
TValue The value type of the property.
name The property name.


exception condition
ArgumentException The property does not exist.

See Also