JsonParsers class

JSON parsers. (Primarily for expository purposes; prefer specialized JSON parsers for production.)

public static class JsonParsers

Public Members

name description
static readonly JsonArray Parses a JSON array of arbitrary JSON values.
static readonly JsonBoolean Parses a JSON Boolean.
static readonly JsonDouble Parses a JSON number into a double-precision floating-point number.
static readonly JsonInteger Parses a JSON number into a 64-bit integer. Fails if the number has a decimal point or exponent.
static readonly JsonNull Parses a JSON null.
static readonly JsonNumber Parses a JSON number into a 64-bit integer if possible; otherwise uses a double-precision floating-point number.
static readonly JsonObject Parses a JSON object of arbitrary JSON property values.
static readonly JsonString Parses a JSON string.
static readonly JsonValue Parses an arbitrary JSON value.
static JsonArrayOf<T>(…) Parses an array of JSON values, each of which is parsed with the specified parser.
static JsonObjectOf<T>(…) Parses a JSON object from its properties. The specified parser must parse each entire JSON property (name, colon, and value).
static JsonPropertyNamed<T>(…) Parses a JSON object property into its value. Fails if the property name doesn’t match the specified name. (2 methods)
static JsonPropertyOf<T>(…) Parses a JSON object property (i.e. name, colon, and value). The property value is parsed with the specified parser.

See Also