Parser.Bracketed<TValue,TBracketing> method (1 of 2)

Succeeds if the specified parser succeeds beforehand and afterward (ignoring its results).

public static IParser<TValue> Bracketed<TValue, TBracketing>(this IParser<TValue> parser, 
    IParser<TBracketing> bracketedBy)

See Also

Parser.Bracketed<TValue,TPreceding,TFollowing> method (2 of 2)

Succeeds if the specified parsers succeed beforehand and afterward (ignoring their results).

public static IParser<TValue> Bracketed<TValue, TPreceding, TFollowing>(
    this IParser<TValue> parser, IParser<TPreceding> precededBy, IParser<TFollowing> followedBy)

See Also