SqlSyntax class
The syntax used by a particular SQL dialect.
public abstract class SqlSyntax
Public Members
name |
description |
static Default { get; } |
The default syntax. |
static MySql { get; } |
The syntax for MySQL. |
static Postgres { get; } |
The syntax for PostgreSQL. |
static Sqlite { get; } |
The syntax for SQLite. |
static SqlServer { get; } |
The syntax for Microsoft SQL Server. |
virtual ParameterPrefix { get; } |
The prefix for named parameters. |
virtual UseLowercaseKeywords { get; } |
True if lowercase should be used when generating SQL keywords. |
virtual UseSnakeCase { get; } |
True if snake case should be used when generating column names. |
virtual EscapeLikeFragment(…) |
Escapes a fragment of a LIKE pattern. |
virtual QuoteName(…) |
Quotes the specified identifier so that it can be used as a schema/table/column name even if it matches a keyword or has special characters. |
Render(…) |
Renders SQL as text and parameters. |
WithLowercaseKeywords() |
Returns a SQL syntax that uses lowercase when generating SQL keywords. |
WithSnakeCase() |
Returns a SQL syntax that uses snake case when generating column names. |
Protected Members
name |
description |
SqlSyntax() |
The default constructor. |
See Also