DbConnectorResultSets class

Encapsulates multiple result sets.

public sealed class DbConnectorResultSets : IAsyncDisposable, IDisposable

Public Members

name description
Dispose() Disposes resources used by the result sets.
DisposeAsync() Disposes resources used by the result sets.
Enumerate<T>() Reads a result set, reading one record at a time and converting it to the specified type.
Enumerate<T>(…) Reads a result set, reading one record at a time and converting it to the specified type with the specified delegate.
EnumerateAsync<T>(…) Reads a result set, reading one record at a time and converting it to the specified type. (2 methods)
Read<T>() Reads a result set, converting each record to the specified type.
Read<T>(…) Reads a result set, converting each record to the specified type with the specified delegate.
ReadAsync<T>(…) Reads a result set, converting each record to the specified type. (2 methods)

See Also