JsonFilter class

Filters data from JSON.

public sealed class JsonFilter

Public Members

name description
static readonly Empty An empty JSON filter.
static Parse(…) Creates a filter from a string. (2 methods)
static TryParse(…) Attempts to create a filter from a string. (2 methods)
CreateFilteredJsonWriter(…) Creates a JSON writer that filters JSON as it is written to the wrapped JSON writer.
FilterObject<T>(…) Filters data from the specified object. (2 methods)
FilterToken(…) Filters data from the specified token.
GetPropertyPaths() Gets all of the property paths.
IsPathIncluded(…) Determines if the specified path is included by the filter.
IsPropertyIncluded<TOwner>(…) Determines if the specified property is included by the filter.
override ToString() Converts the filter to a parsable string.
const AlternatePathSeparator Alternate character used to separate paths.
const AnyProperty String used to indicate any property.
const ExcludePrefix Character used to exclude a path.
const GroupCloser Character used to close a group.
const GroupOpener Character used to open a group.
const PathSeparator Character used to separate paths.
const PropertySeparator Character used to separate properties in a path.
static ExcludePath(…) Excludes the specified path with the standard prefix.
static GetExcludedPropertyPath<TOwner>(…) Gets the excluded path of the specified property.
static GetPropertyPath<TOwner>(…) Gets the path of the specified property.
static JoinExcludedPropertyPaths<TOwner>(…) Joins the excluded paths of the specified properties with the standard delimiter.
static JoinPaths(…) Joins the specified paths with the standard delimiter. (2 methods)
static JoinPropertyPaths<TOwner>(…) Joins the paths of the specified properties with the standard delimiter.

See Also