Faithlife.Tracing assembly

Faithlife.Tracing namespace

public type description
interface ITracer ITracer can create new spans and serialize/deserialize them.
interface ITraceSpan ITraceSpan represents a span in a trace.
interface ITraceSpanProvider ITraceSpanProvider is implemented by an object that stores the current trace (for the active request, etc.) and can return it.
class NoopTracer An ITracer that does not do any actual tracing.
class NoopTraceSpan An ITraceSpan that does not do any actual tracing.
class NoopTraceSpanProvider An ITraceSpanProvider that does not do any actual tracing.
static class SpanTagNames Defines string constants for common span tags.
static class TraceExtensions Provides helper methods for working with ITraceSpan and ITracer.
enum TraceSpanKind Specifies the type of trace span being created.