GuidUtility class

Helper methods for working with Guid.

public static class GuidUtility

Public Members

name description
static readonly DnsNamespace The namespace for fully-qualified domain names (from RFC 4122, Appendix C).
static readonly IsoOidNamespace The namespace for ISO OIDs (from RFC 4122, Appendix C).
static readonly UrlNamespace The namespace for URLs (from RFC 4122, Appendix C).
static Create(…) Creates a name-based UUID using the algorithm from RFC 4122 §4.3. (4 methods)
static FromLowerNoDashString(…) Converts a lowercase, no dashes string to a GUID.
static ToLowerNoDashString(…) Converts a GUID to a lowercase string with no dashes.
static TryFromLowerNoDashString(…) Attempts to convert a lowercase, no dashes string to a GUID.
static TryParse(…) Tries to parse the specified string as a Guid. A return value indicates whether the operation succeeded.

See Also