static class ArrayUtility |
Provides methods for manipulating arrays. |
static class ByteUtility |
Provides helper methods for working with Byte. |
class CachingStream |
A stream wrapper that caches all data read from the underlying Stream. |
enum CaseSensitivity |
Indicates whether an operation should be sensitive to case. |
static class CollectionImpl |
Provides implementations of common methods needed by an implementer of ICollection. |
static class CollectionUtility |
Methods for manipulating collections. |
static class ComparableImpl |
Provides methods for implementing IComparable. |
static class ComparisonUtility |
Provides methods to simplify comparing instances. |
static class DateTimeOffsetUtility |
Provides methods for manipulating dates. |
static class DateTimeUtility |
Provides methods for manipulating dates. |
static class DictionaryUtility |
Provides methods for manipulating dictionaries. |
static class DirectoryUtility |
Provides utility methods for working with directories. |
class Disposables |
A collection of disposable objects, disposed in reverse order when the collection is disposed. |
static class DisposableUtility |
Provides methods for manipulating disposable objects. |
static class EnumerableUtility |
Provides methods for manipulating IEnumerable collections. |
static class EnumUtility |
Provides helper methods for working with enumerated values. |
static class Equivalence |
Methods for working with IHasEquivalence. |
class EventInfo<TSource,TEventHandler> |
Provides methods for adding and removing handlers from an event. |
static class EventInfoUtility |
Helper methods for working with EventInfo. |
static class FileUtility |
Provides helper methods for working with files. |
class GenericEventArgs<T> |
Event arguments that contain a single value. |
static class GuidUtility |
Helper methods for working with Guid. |
static class GzipUtility |
Methods for working with gzip. |
static class HashCodeUtility |
Provides methods for manipulating integers. |
interface IHasEquivalence<T> |
Implemented by reference classes that do not want to implement IEquatable{T}, but do want to support some form of equivalence. |
static class InvariantConvert |
Methods for converting to and from strings using the invariant culture. |
interface IOptional |
Represents an optional value. |
class KeyEqualityComparer<TSource,TKey> |
An EqualityComparer which tests equality on a key type |
static class ListUtility |
Methods for manipulating lists. |
static class ObjectImpl |
Provides methods for manipulating objects. |
static class ObjectUtility |
Provides methods for manipulating objects. |
struct Optional<T> |
Represents an optional value. |
enum Ownership |
Indicates whether an object takes ownership of an item. |
class PriorityQueue<T> |
Implements a priority queue using a binary heap. The priority queue is sorted so that the smallest item is removed from the queue first. |
static class ReaderWriterLockSlimUtility |
Extension methods for ReaderWriterLockSlim |
class ReadOnlySet<T> |
Implements a read-only wrapper around a ISet. |
class ReadOnlyStream |
A read-only stream wrapper. |
class RebasedStream |
RebasedStream is a stream wrapper that changes the effective origin of the wrapped stream. |
class Scope |
Executes the specified delegate when disposed. |
static class SetUtility |
Provides methods for working with ISet. |
static class StackUtility |
Provides methods for manipulating stacks. |
static class StreamUtility |
Copies data from one stream to another. |
static class StringBuilderUtility |
Provides methods for manipulating StringBuilder objects. |
class StringCache |
StringCache provides an append-only cache of strings that can be used to reuse the same string object instance when a string is being dynamically created at runtime (e.g., loaded from an XML file or database). |
struct StringSegment |
Encapsulates a length of characters from a string starting at a particular offset. |
static class StringUtility |
Provides methods for manipulating strings. |
class TimeoutTimer |
Tracks the time left for a timeout. |
class TruncatedStream |
TruncatedStream is a read-only stream wrapper that will not read past the specified length. |
static class TypeUtility |
Extension methods allowing portable and non portable libraries to call a single set of reflection based Type methods. |
enum UnicodeCharacterClass |
The major class of a Unicode character’s general category. |
static class UnicodeUtility |
Utility methods for working with Unicode characters. |
static class UriBuilderUtility |
Provides helper methods for working with UriBuilder. |
static class UriUtility |
Provides utilities for working with Uris. |
static class UrlEncoding |
Methods for encoding and decoding URL-style strings. |
class UrlEncodingSettings |
Stores settings used for encoding and decoding URL-style strings. |
static class Verify |
Provides methods for throwing InvalidOperationException for “impossible” conditions. |
class WrappingStream |
A Stream that wraps another stream. One major feature of WrappingStream is that it does not dispose the underlying stream when it is disposed if Ownership.None is used; this is useful when using classes such as BinaryReader that take ownership of the stream passed to their constructors. |
abstract class WrappingStreamBase |
A Stream that wraps another stream. One major feature of this class is that it does not dispose the underlying stream when it is disposed if None is used; this is useful when using classes such as BinaryReader that take ownership of the stream passed to their constructors. This class delegates a minimal number of properties and methods to the wrapped stream so that inheritors can override this class as they would Stream, e.g. override Read and get correct behavior for ReadAsync and CopyToAsync. |
class ZeroStream |
A stream of zeroes. |