SimpleDataflow<T>.TransformMany<TNext> method (1 of 3)

Links a TransformManyBlock to the pipeline.

public SimpleDataflow<TNext> TransformMany<TNext>(
    Func<T, CancellationToken, Task<IEnumerable<TNext>>> func)


If necessary, use Enumerable.AsEnumerable to cast the return value to an IEnumerable<T> when using a lambda expression.

See Also

SimpleDataflow<T>.TransformMany<TNext> method (2 of 3)

Links a TransformManyBlock to the pipeline.

public SimpleDataflow<TNext> TransformMany<TNext>(Func<T, IEnumerable<TNext>> func)

See Also

SimpleDataflow<T>.TransformMany<TNext> method (3 of 3)

Links a TransformManyBlock to the pipeline.

public SimpleDataflow<TNext> TransformMany<TNext>(Func<T, Task<IEnumerable<TNext>>> func)


If necessary, use Enumerable.AsEnumerable to cast the return value to an IEnumerable<T> when using a lambda expression.

See Also