DotNetBuild class

Supports .NET builds.

public static class DotNetBuild

Public Members

name description
static AddDotNetTargets(…) Adds the standard .NET targets to the build.
static GetBuildNumber(…) Gets the build number, if any.
static GetBuildNumberArg(…) Gets the argument that specifies the build number.
static GetBuildSummaryArg(…) Gets the argument that specifies whether a build summary should be output.
static GetConfiguration(…) Gets the configuration.
static GetConfigurationArg(…) Gets the MSBuild-style argument that specifies the configuration.
static GetExtraPropertyArgs(…) Gets extra properties for the specified target.
static GetMaxCpuCountArg(…) Gets the argument that specifies the maximum CPU count.
static GetPlatform(…) Gets the platform, if any.
static GetPlatformArg(…) Gets the argument that specifies the platform, if needed.
static GetVerbosity(…) Gets the build verbosity.
static GetVerbosityArg(…) Gets the argument that specifies the verbosity.
static RunTests(…) Runs tests on the specified paths. (2 methods)

See Also