static class AppRunner |
Runs command-line apps. |
class AppRunnerSettings |
Settings for running apps. |
class AzureKeyVaultSigningSettings |
Settings for signing packages using Azure Key Vault. |
class BuildApp |
Represents the command-line application for the build. |
static class BuildEnvironment |
Information about the build environment. |
class BuildException |
A build exception. |
class BuildFlag |
A no-value command-line flag for the build. |
class BuildOption |
A single-value command-line option for the build. |
static class BuildRunner |
Used to execute an automated build. |
class BuildTarget |
A build target. |
static class BuildUtility |
Helper methods for build scripts. |
static class DotNetBuild |
Supports .NET builds. |
class DotNetBuildOptions |
The options and flags used by DotNetBuild . |
class DotNetBuildSettings |
Settings for a .NET build; see DotNetBuild . |
enum DotNetBuildVerbosity |
The build verbosity. |
class DotNetClassicTool |
Provides access to a classic NuGet packaged tool. |
class DotNetCleanSettings |
Settings for cleaning projects. |
class DotNetDocsSettings |
Used to generate Markdown documentation from XML comments. |
class DotNetLocalTool |
Provides access to a .NET local tool. |
class DotNetPackageInfo |
Information about a NuGet package. |
class DotNetPackageSettings |
Settings for creating and publishing NuGet packages. |
static class DotNetRunner |
Runs dotnet commands. |
class DotNetSigningSettings |
Settings for signing NuGet packages. |
class DotNetTestSettings |
Settings for running .NET tests. |
class GitAuthorInfo |
Information about a git commit author. |
class GitLoginInfo |
Information used to login to git. |
enum MSBuildPlatform |
The platform of MSBuild to run. |
static class MSBuildRunner |
Runs MSBuild. |
class MSBuildSettings |
The settings to use when running MSBuild. |
enum MSBuildVersion |
The version of MSBuild to run. |
class TrustedSigningSettings |
Settings for signing packages using Azure Trusted Signing. |