LanguageName structure

Encapsulates a language name; specifically, a language and region tag.

public struct LanguageName : IComparable, IComparable<LanguageName>, IEquatable<LanguageName>

Public Members

name description
LanguageName(…) Initializes a new instance of the LanguageName class.
static readonly Neutral The neutral language name (empty language/region).
FullName { get; } Gets the full language tag (as defined by RFC 4646).
Language { get; } Gets the “primary language” tag.
Region { get; } Gets the region tag.
CompareTo(…) Compares the current object with another object of the same type.
Equals(…) Indicates whether this instance is equal to another object of the same type.
override Equals(…) Indicates whether this instance is equal to another object.
override GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance.
override ToString() Returns the language tag as defined by RFC 4646.
const MaximumNameLength The maximum length of a language name.
static Match(…) Matches two language names. (2 methods)
static TryCreate(…) Tries to create a LanguageName from the specified language tag. (2 methods)
operator == Compares two instances for equality.
operator > Compares two instances for greater than.
operator >= Compares two instances for greater than or equal to.
operator != Compares two instances for inequality.
operator < Compares two instances for less than.
operator <= Compares two instances for less than or equal to.


The script tag is supported, but is merged with the language tag, so that az-Cyrl-AZ is split into az-Cyrl and AZ.

See Also