StringSegment.IndexOf method (1 of 3)

Returns the first index of the specified character in the string segment.

public int IndexOf(char value)
parameter description
value The character to find.

Return Value

The first index of the specified character in the string segment, or -1 if the character cannot be found.

See Also

StringSegment.IndexOf method (2 of 3)

Returns the first index of the specified character in the string segment.

public int IndexOf(char value, int startIndex)
parameter description
value The character to find.
startIndex The search starting position.

Return Value

The first index of the specified character in the string segment, or -1 if the character cannot be found.

See Also

StringSegment.IndexOf method (3 of 3)

Returns the first index of the specified string in the string segment.

public int IndexOf(string value, StringComparison sc)
parameter description
value The string to find.
sc The string comparison options.

Return Value

The first index of the specified string in the string segment, or -1 if the string cannot be found.

See Also