Encapsulates a length of characters from a string starting at a particular offset.
public struct StringSegment : IComparable<StringSegment>, IEnumerable<char>,
name | description |
StringSegment(…) | Initializes a new instance of the StringSegment class. (4 constructors) |
static readonly Empty | An empty segment of the empty string. |
Chars { get; } | Gets the Char with the specified index. |
Length { get; } | Gets the length of the segment. |
Offset { get; } | Gets the offset into the source string. |
Source { get; } | Gets the source string. |
After() | Returns everything that follows this segment in the source string. |
AppendToStringBuilder(…) | Appends the segment to the specified StringBuilder. |
Before() | Returns everything that precedes this segment in the source string. |
CompareTo(…) | Compares the current object with another object of the same type. |
CopyTo(…) | Copies the characters of the string segment to an array. |
override Equals(…) | Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. |
Equals(…) | Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. |
GetEnumerator() | Returns an enumerator that iterates through the characters of the string segment. |
override GetHashCode() | Returns the hash code for this instance. |
IndexOf(…) | Returns the first index of the specified character in the string segment. (3 methods) |
IndexOfAny(…) | Returns the first index of any of the specified characters in the string segment. |
Intersect(…) | Intersects this segment with another segment of the same string. |
LastIndexOf(…) | Returns the last index of the specified character in the string segment. (2 methods) |
LastIndexOfAny(…) | Returns the last index of any of the specified characters in the string segment. |
Match(…) | Matches the specified regex against the segment. |
Redirect(…) | Returns a new StringSegment with the same owner string. (3 methods) |
Split(…) | Splits the string segment by the specified regular expression. |
Substring(…) | Returns a sub-segment of this segment. (2 methods) |
ToCharArray() | Returns the array of characters represented by this string segment. |
override ToString() | Returns the string segment as a string. |
ToStringBuilder() | Returns the string segment as a StringBuilder. |
ToStringBuilder(…) | Returns the string segment as a StringBuilder. |
Trim() | Trims the whitespace from the start and end of the string segment. |
Trim(…) | Trims the specified characters from the start and end of the string segment. |
TrimEnd() | Trims the specified characters from the end of the string segment. |
TrimEnd(…) | Trims the whitespace from the end of the string segment. |
TrimStart() | Trims the specified characters from the start of the string segment. |
TrimStart(…) | Trims the whitespace from the start of the string segment. |
Union(…) | Returns the union of this segment with another segment of the same string. |
static Compare(…) | Compares two string segments. |
static CompareOrdinal(…) | Compares two string segments ordinally. |
operator == | Compares two string segments for equality. |
operator != | Compares two string segments for inequality. |