Faithlife.Parsing is a simple library for constructing parsers in C#.
This library is inspired by, adapted from, and owes its existence to the Sprache C# library. Be sure to consult the Sprache documentation for more information about the overall strategy used by Faithlife.Parsing, as well as various examples, tutorials, and acknowledgements. Particular thanks go to Nicholas Blumhardt, the author of Sprache. Other similar libraries include Parlot, Pidgin, and Superpower.
Faithlife.Parsing allows you to define complex parsers in just a few lines of C#. Use Faithlife.Parsing instead of other parsing libraries if you prefer the API. Performance is much improved as of version 3, though not as fast as Parlot. This library might not be safe for hostile user input, so use at your own risk.
The Faithlife.Parsing library includes parsers for JSON. Reading this code is a good way to learn how complex parsers are constructed, but you should definitely prefer specialized JSON parsers for production work.
Faithlife.Parsing should be installed via NuGet.
This library is compatible with most .NET platforms via .NET Standard 2.0/2.1.
A parser is an implementation of IParser<T>. It converts one or more characters of text into an instance of type T
// parses one or more digits into an integer
IParser<int> integerParser = CreateIntegerParser();
To use a parser, you call TryParse or Parse, extension methods for IParser<T> that are defined on the Parser static class. These methods have a text
parameter that specifies the text that you want to parse.
TryParse returns an IParseResult<T>. The Success property is true if the parsing was successful, in which case the Value property returns the result of the parse.
IParseResult<int> integerResult = integerParser.TryParse("123abc");
Debug.Assert(integerResult.Value == 123);
If Success is false, the parsing failed. Accessing the Value property will throw a ParseException. Consider using the GetValueOrDefault extension method if the result might be a failure.
IParseResult<int> noIntegerResult = integerParser.TryParse("abc123");
If you don’t need the IParseResult<T>, call a TryParse overload that returns a bool
and provides the result via out
bool success = integerParser.TryParse("123abc", out var value);
Debug.Assert(value == 123);
success = integerParser.TryParse("abc123", out value);
Debug.Assert(value == 0);
Parse returns the successfully parsed value of type T
int number = integerParser.Parse("123abc");
Debug.Assert(number == 123);
If the parsing fails, Parse throws a ParseException, which has a Result property that contains the full IParseResult<T>.
int noNumber = integerParser.Parse("abc123");
catch (ParseException exception)
IParseResult<T> also indicates where parsing stopped. The NextPosition property of IParseResult<T> returns a TextPosition whose Index property indicates the index into the text where parsing stopped.
Debug.Assert(integerResult.NextPosition.Index == 3);
When parsing fails, the next position is always where the parse started.
Debug.Assert(noIntegerResult.NextPosition.Index == 0);
Use Parser.Char to parse a character that matches the specified character or predicate.
IParser<char> oneParser = Parser.Char('1');
Debug.Assert(oneParser.Parse("123") == '1');
IParser<char> digitParser = Parser.Char(ch => ch >= '0' && ch <= '9');
Debug.Assert(digitParser.Parse("789xyz") == '7');
Other character parsers include AnyChar, AnyCharExcept, Digit, Letter, LetterOrDigit, and WhiteSpace.
Use Parser.String to match one or more consecutive characters.
IParser<string> yesParser = Parser.String("yes");
Debug.Assert(yesParser.Parse("yesno") == "yes");
Specify StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase
if desired.
IParser<string> noParser = Parser.String("no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
Debug.Assert(noParser.Parse("No way") == "No");
Use Parser.End to match the end of the parsed string.
IParser<string> justYesParser = Parser.String("yes").End();
Debug.Assert(justYesParser.Parse("yes") == "yes");
Use AtLeastOnce to allow a parser to be used one or more times consecutively.
IParser<IReadOnlyList<char>> digitsParser = digitParser.AtLeastOnce();
Debug.Assert(digitsParser.Parse("789xyz").SequenceEqual(new[] { '7', '8', '9' }));
To specify the number of times that a parser can be repeated, use one of the many repeat parsers: Many (0..∞), AtMost (0..n), AtMostOnce (0..1), AtLeastOnce (1..∞), AtLeast (n..∞), Once (1), and Repeat (n or n..m).
Use Delimited to repeat a parser at least once but also require a delimiter between the parsed items. (DelimitedAllowTrailing allows an optional delimiter at the end.)
IReadOnlyList<char> letters = Parser.Letter.Delimited(Parser.Char(',')).Parse("a,b,c");
Debug.Assert(letters.SequenceEqual(new[] { 'a', 'b', 'c' }));
The real power of Faithlife.Parsing is the ability to create parsers that also interpret the text. The familiar Select extension method can be used to convert a successfully parsed value into something more useful.
The following parser (used above) matches a digit, converts the digit to an integer, repeats that digit-to-integer parser at least once, and then converts those integers-from-digits into the final integer that the digits represent together.
IParser<int> CreateIntegerParser()
return Parser.Char(ch => ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
.Select(ch => (int) ch - '0')
.Select(digits => digits.Aggregate(0, (x, y) => x * 10 + y));
Use Success to return a specific value for any successful parsing.
IParser<bool> falseParser = Parser.String("false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase).Success(false);
Debug.Assert(falseParser.Parse("False") == false);
There are also built-in parsers for converting lists of characters and strings.
IParser<string> keywordsParser = Parser.Letter.AtLeastOnce().String()
Debug.Assert(keywordsParser.Parse("public static readonly") == "public,static,readonly");
The most efficient way to convert any parser into a parser that returns the matching string is to use Capture.
IParser<string> idParser = Parser.Letter.Once().Then(Parser.Letter.Or(Parser.Digit).Many()).Capture();
Debug.Assert(idParser.Parse("id123") == "id123");
The SelectMany extension method allows LINQ query syntax to be used to chain parsers, one after another, and combine the results of each parsing.
IParser<int> simpleAdder =
from left in integerParser
from plus in Parser.Char('+')
from right in integerParser
select left + right;
Debug.Assert(simpleAdder.Parse("7+8") == 15);
Use Then for better performance, which takes chains two parsers and creates a tuple from their values, potentially building a tuple of as many as eight values.
IParser<int> thenAdder = integerParser
.Select(x => x.Item1 + x.Item3);
Debug.Assert(thenAdder.Parse("7+8") == 15);
Other extension methods are useful for chaining parsers when the result of one of them is not used.
IParser<IReadOnlyList<int>> tupleParser =
integerParser.Trim().Delimited(Parser.Char(',')).Bracketed(Parser.Char('('), Parser.Char(')')).Trim();
Debug.Assert(tupleParser.Parse(" (7, 8, 9) ").SequenceEqual(new[] { 7, 8, 9 }));
Finally, Concat can be used to chain a collection parser to another collection parser, and Append can be used to chain a collection parser to an item parser.
Powerful parsers need to provide either-or options. The Or methods are used to allow one of any number of available parsers to be used. Or can be used as a static method or as an extension method.
IParser<bool> yesNoParser = yesParser.Success(true).Or(noParser.Success(false));
Debug.Assert(yesNoParser.Parse("yes") == true);
Debug.Assert(yesNoParser.Parse("no") == false);
IParser<bool?> yesNoMaybeParser = Parser.Or(
yesParser.Success((bool?) true),
noParser.Success((bool?) false),
Parser.String("maybe").Success((bool?) null));
Debug.Assert(yesNoMaybeParser.Parse("yes") == true);
Debug.Assert(yesNoMaybeParser.Parse("no") == false);
Debug.Assert(yesNoMaybeParser.Parse("maybe") == null);
Use OrDefault or OrEmpty to create an optional parser.
You can restrict the values that can be produced by a parser by using Where (or where
in LINQ query syntax).
IParser<int> positiveParser = integerParser.Where(x => x > 0);
Debug.Assert(positiveParser.Parse("1") == 1);
Use Parser.Regex to create a parser that matches the specified regular expression. The regular expression is automatically anchored to start where the text is being parsed. RegexOptions.CultureInvariant
is used by default.
Regular expressions in .NET are extremely powerful; use them to simplify complex parser chains.
IParser<double> numberParser = Parser
.Select(x => double.Parse(x.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Debug.Assert(numberParser.Parse("6.0221409e+23") == 6.0221409e+23);
Use Parser.ChainUnary to create a left-associative unary operator.
Use Parser.ChainBinary to create a left-associative binary operator.
Use Parser.Not to create a parser that only succeeds if the associated parser fails.
Use Parser.Failure to create a parser that always fails.
Use Parser.Ref when a circular dependency is needed. Avoid left recursion, which will result in a stack overflow at runtime.
To improve syntax errors, give parsers a name with the Named extension method.
IParser<double> namedNumberParser = numberParser.Named("number");
Access all of the named failures programmatically with the GetNamedFailures extension method on IParseResult.
For reporting semantic errors, track where parsed values were found with the Positioned extension method, which wraps the parsed value in a Positioned<T>.
IParser<Positioned<double>> positionedNumberParser = numberParser.Positioned().Trim();
Positioned<double> positionedNumber = positionedNumberParser.Parse("\n\t 3.14");
Debug.Assert(positionedNumber.Value == 3.14);
Debug.Assert(positionedNumber.Position.Index == 3);
Debug.Assert(positionedNumber.Position.GetLineColumn().LineNumber == 2);
Debug.Assert(positionedNumber.Position.GetLineColumn().ColumnNumber == 3);
Debug.Assert(positionedNumber.Length == 4);
As stated earlier, a parser is an implementation of IParser<T>. Most parsers are created by using the existing parsers documented above, but it is possible to create a custom parser.
The simplest way to create a custom parser is with Parser.Create.
Your parser should investigate the text, starting at the zero-based index specified by the Index property of the TextPosition, and determine if it can successfully parse that text.
If it can, the parser should return a successful IParseResult<T> via the ParseResult.Success method. Call it with the corresponding value of type T
and the position just past the end of the text that was parsed. Use the WithNextIndex method on the TextPosition to create a text position at the desired index.
If the parser fails, it should return a failed IParseResult<T> via the ParseResult.Failure method.
For maximum performance, create a new parser by deriving from Parser<T> and implementing the abstract TryParse method, which is designed to avoid allocations as much as possible.
Don’t create a custom parser by implementing IParser<T> directly.